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【how to circulate heat from a wood stove】Trump says U.S. officials to make plea for wall in meeting with lawmakers

WASHINGTON,how to circulate heat from a wood stove Jan 2 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said U.S. security officials will make a plea for a southern border wall in a White House meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday and that he was open to working on a path to legal status for so-called Dreamers.

Trump's demand for $5 billion for the border wall to be part of any spending measure triggered a partial federal government shutdown on Dec. 22. The White House invited Republican and Democratic congressional leaders to an afternoon meeting with senior Homeland Security officials. (Reporting by Jeff Mason; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Susan Thomas)

【how to circulate heat from a wood stove】Trump says U.S. officials to make plea for wall in meeting with lawmakers

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【how to circulate heat from a wood stove】Trump says U.S. officials to make plea for wall in meeting with lawmakers

【how to circulate heat from a wood stove】Trump says U.S. officials to make plea for wall in meeting with lawmakers
